Upcoming Retreats:
There are no upcoming retreats at this time.
Past Retreats:

Virtual Fall Retreat
Yoga | Meditation | Ayurveda
Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 10:00-1:00pm PDT
After September 20th the cost is $111. This retreat includes an Ayurvedic Gift Bag ($40 value) sent to your door! Scholarships are available upon request.
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In this retreat you will be guided through a gentle yoga practice, meditation, and learn Ayurvedic self-care tools all be geared towards supporting the transition into autumn. Our time together in the virtual space will be three hours, yet digital material and other recommendations will be provide to extend your home retreat into a half or full day experience. If you are not able to attend the retreat live, a recording will be sent to you the day so you can go through the practices at your own pace. Please reach out with any questions!
Yoga | Meditation | Ayurveda
Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 10:00-1:00pm PDT
After September 20th the cost is $111. This retreat includes an Ayurvedic Gift Bag ($40 value) sent to your door! Scholarships are available upon request.
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In this retreat you will be guided through a gentle yoga practice, meditation, and learn Ayurvedic self-care tools all be geared towards supporting the transition into autumn. Our time together in the virtual space will be three hours, yet digital material and other recommendations will be provide to extend your home retreat into a half or full day experience. If you are not able to attend the retreat live, a recording will be sent to you the day so you can go through the practices at your own pace. Please reach out with any questions!

Virtual Spring Retreat
Movement Meditation | Ayurvedic Self-Care | Yoga Nidra
Saturday, May 15th, 2021, from 10:00-12:30pm PDT
***REGISTER HERE BY MAY 7th*** // $55 (includes a $30 Gift Bag sent to your door!)
Scholarships are available upon request. If you are not able to be part of the live sessions and want to schedule your retreat for another day, a recording and digital materials will be sent to you the day of.
Dedicate a half-day to yourself for quiet reflection, nourishing food, yoga and Ayurveda to support this transition into the warmer months! Use this opportunity to slow down and create a sacred space for being-ness amidst the fullness of life, particularly in the springtime.
This retreat can be extended into a full-day experience by using the meal provided, additional recipes, practices, and journal prompts. More preparations and recommendations will be sent out before the retreat. See below some preliminary information about what you can expect.
About the Virtual Format:
If you're thinking, why do I need a home retreat if I've been home this whole year?! I totally get it. It's true, we've all been at home more than usual and some of us have been on our computers an increased amount for work. With that in mind, this retreat is designed to carve out dedicated space for practice, free of distractions. It's a chance to shift out of our usual routine and through breath, movement, and ancient self-care tools of wisdom, connect more deeply with ourselves to heal and expand our consciousness.. You are welcome to have your video off for the entire retreat and engage as much or as little as feels is right for you. Bottom line, eliminate any stressors - this time is for you!!
About the Gift Bag:
These high-quality Ayurvedic goodies are chosen specially to support and enhance your retreat day. They will be sent to your home prior to May 15th. When registering, please include your preferred shipping address in the check-out notes. The gift bag includes:
Retreat Schedule:
This is the guided portion of the retreat, but recommendations will be provided for how to extend your retreat time that morning and into the evening. Clearing away all distraction from your space, honoring Noble Silence, and possibly enjoying the retreat outdoors can be a great way to get the most out of the day. Some items you'll need to gather for our time together are: a journal, a yoga mat, meditation cushion, or pillow.
10:00-10:15am ---------> Intro / Settling In
10:15-11:00am ---------> Guided Movement Practice
11am-11:15am -----> Mindful Break
11:15-11:30am -----> Yoga Nidra Preparations; Ayurvedic Self-Massage
11:30-12:15pm -----> Yoga Nidra Practice
12:15-12:30pm -----> Closing Meditation
Movement Meditation | Ayurvedic Self-Care | Yoga Nidra
Saturday, May 15th, 2021, from 10:00-12:30pm PDT
***REGISTER HERE BY MAY 7th*** // $55 (includes a $30 Gift Bag sent to your door!)
Scholarships are available upon request. If you are not able to be part of the live sessions and want to schedule your retreat for another day, a recording and digital materials will be sent to you the day of.
Dedicate a half-day to yourself for quiet reflection, nourishing food, yoga and Ayurveda to support this transition into the warmer months! Use this opportunity to slow down and create a sacred space for being-ness amidst the fullness of life, particularly in the springtime.
This retreat can be extended into a full-day experience by using the meal provided, additional recipes, practices, and journal prompts. More preparations and recommendations will be sent out before the retreat. See below some preliminary information about what you can expect.
About the Virtual Format:
If you're thinking, why do I need a home retreat if I've been home this whole year?! I totally get it. It's true, we've all been at home more than usual and some of us have been on our computers an increased amount for work. With that in mind, this retreat is designed to carve out dedicated space for practice, free of distractions. It's a chance to shift out of our usual routine and through breath, movement, and ancient self-care tools of wisdom, connect more deeply with ourselves to heal and expand our consciousness.. You are welcome to have your video off for the entire retreat and engage as much or as little as feels is right for you. Bottom line, eliminate any stressors - this time is for you!!
About the Gift Bag:
These high-quality Ayurvedic goodies are chosen specially to support and enhance your retreat day. They will be sent to your home prior to May 15th. When registering, please include your preferred shipping address in the check-out notes. The gift bag includes:
- Herbal Teas (Pukka Teas)
- Relaxing Essential Oil Blend (Floracopeia)
- Daily Massage Oil (Banyan Botanicals)
- Kitchari One-Pot Meal Kit (Divya’s Kitchen)
- Free Shipping within the US
Retreat Schedule:
This is the guided portion of the retreat, but recommendations will be provided for how to extend your retreat time that morning and into the evening. Clearing away all distraction from your space, honoring Noble Silence, and possibly enjoying the retreat outdoors can be a great way to get the most out of the day. Some items you'll need to gather for our time together are: a journal, a yoga mat, meditation cushion, or pillow.
10:00-10:15am ---------> Intro / Settling In
10:15-11:00am ---------> Guided Movement Practice
11am-11:15am -----> Mindful Break
11:15-11:30am -----> Yoga Nidra Preparations; Ayurvedic Self-Massage
11:30-12:15pm -----> Yoga Nidra Practice
12:15-12:30pm -----> Closing Meditation

Half-Day Spring Retreat
Facilitated by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
April 19th, 2020 / 9-1pm / $70
This will be our 6th annual retreat together, held again at the lovely, Open Sky Retreat Space. The property is beautifully surrounded by nature for walking and relaxing. During the day we will mostly be in silence, together practicing meditation, gentle yoga, and yoga nidra, as well as time for quiet contemplation. The retreat ends at 1pm with an option to bring your own lunch and enjoy the grounds afterwards from 1-2pm. Tea and a healthy mid-morning snack will also be provided.
A few other details:
Facilitated by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
April 19th, 2020 / 9-1pm / $70
This will be our 6th annual retreat together, held again at the lovely, Open Sky Retreat Space. The property is beautifully surrounded by nature for walking and relaxing. During the day we will mostly be in silence, together practicing meditation, gentle yoga, and yoga nidra, as well as time for quiet contemplation. The retreat ends at 1pm with an option to bring your own lunch and enjoy the grounds afterwards from 1-2pm. Tea and a healthy mid-morning snack will also be provided.
A few other details:
- Arrival is between 8:30-8:45am so we can start on time and get settled in. All you need to bring is a water bottle, comfortable shoes if you plan to walk the property, a journal, and if you'd like, your personal yoga mat, meditation shawl or blanket. We'll provide additional yoga mats, meditation cushions / chairs, and yoga props.
- To register, please fill out this form before March 20th. Payment is due in full no later than April 1st. You can either pay online or send a check to: Camina Gillotti at 424 8th St. Suite A, Santa Rosa, Ca, 95401.
- Scholarships are available upon request. Feel free to email me with any additional questions. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in April! ~Om Shanti, Om Peace~

Half-Day Fall Retreat
Facilitated by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
October 5th, 2019 / 9-1pm / $70
This retreat will take place at the Open Sky Retreat Space in Sebastopol, CA. During the retreat we will mostly be in silence - together practicing meditation, gentle yoga, and yoga nidra. These time honored practices bring us home inside where all things become possible. As we transition into the fall season, we can use this time together to ground, be still, and rest within the Self. There will be space for quiet contemplation and walking in between the guided sessions, as the the retreat setting is quite exquisite. Tea and a healthy mid-morning snack will also be provided.
Facilitated by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
October 5th, 2019 / 9-1pm / $70
This retreat will take place at the Open Sky Retreat Space in Sebastopol, CA. During the retreat we will mostly be in silence - together practicing meditation, gentle yoga, and yoga nidra. These time honored practices bring us home inside where all things become possible. As we transition into the fall season, we can use this time together to ground, be still, and rest within the Self. There will be space for quiet contemplation and walking in between the guided sessions, as the the retreat setting is quite exquisite. Tea and a healthy mid-morning snack will also be provided.
- Arrival is between 8:30-8:45am and there is an option to bring your own lunch and enjoy the grounds afterwards from 1-2pm.
- Please fill out this form to register. Payment is due in full no later than September 1st, 2019. You can either pay online or send a check to: Camina Gillotti at 424 8th St. Suite A, Santa Rosa, Ca, 95401. Scholarships are available upon request.

Women's Ayurveda Retreat
Silent Stay Retreat Center, Vacaville, California
October 21-23, 2016
Spend the weekend nourishing yourself through healing Ayurvedic and yogic practices, surrounded by the peace and silence of nature!
Silent Stay Retreat Center, Vacaville, California
October 21-23, 2016
Spend the weekend nourishing yourself through healing Ayurvedic and yogic practices, surrounded by the peace and silence of nature!
""The retreat was an inspiration, a reminder to honor what we have been given, to be kind and compassionate
for ourselves and all life." ~Susan Eschler, Santa Rosa, Ca
for ourselves and all life." ~Susan Eschler, Santa Rosa, Ca
Here is an overview of the weekend schedule so you can get a feel for what you'll be experiencing. We'll send you a more detailed schedule before you arrive.
Friday: Arrive at the retreat center between 3-4pm, settle in, opening circle, dinner, sunset walk, evening sadhana of yoga nidra and meditation.
Saturday: Early morning yoga practice, breakfast, quiet time, cooking class, lunch, free time for walking and journaling, afternoon Ayurvedic class, dinner, quiet time, evening sadhana of restorative yoga and meditation.
Sunday: Early morning yoga practice, breakfast, hands on Ayurvedic self-care class, free time, lunch, closing circle, and then leave the retreat center by 1pm.
Here is an overview of the weekend schedule so you can get a feel for what you'll be experiencing. We'll send you a more detailed schedule before you arrive.
Friday: Arrive at the retreat center between 3-4pm, settle in, opening circle, dinner, sunset walk, evening sadhana of yoga nidra and meditation.
Saturday: Early morning yoga practice, breakfast, quiet time, cooking class, lunch, free time for walking and journaling, afternoon Ayurvedic class, dinner, quiet time, evening sadhana of restorative yoga and meditation.
Sunday: Early morning yoga practice, breakfast, hands on Ayurvedic self-care class, free time, lunch, closing circle, and then leave the retreat center by 1pm.
Six Ayurvedic meals are provided. All meals will be organic and seasonally appropriate. The focus of the retreat will be on deep nourishment through the high quality ingredients we'll be providing, as well as the quiet environment in which we eat. Most of the meals will be eaten in silence and you have the choice to eat with the group or on your own. This is an opportunity to slow down around meal time and truly take in the nutrients from the earth.
*All dietary needs can be catered too. Once you register, send us an email with any food allergies or special needs you may have.
Accommodation is included in the food & lodging fee. There are two single occupancy rooms and four double occupancy rooms. Bathrooms are either attached to your room or shared in the hallway. Rooms are assigned on a first come first serve basis. All linens and towels are provided and made of organic materials.
For more information about the retreat center, visit:
Six Ayurvedic meals are provided. All meals will be organic and seasonally appropriate. The focus of the retreat will be on deep nourishment through the high quality ingredients we'll be providing, as well as the quiet environment in which we eat. Most of the meals will be eaten in silence and you have the choice to eat with the group or on your own. This is an opportunity to slow down around meal time and truly take in the nutrients from the earth.
*All dietary needs can be catered too. Once you register, send us an email with any food allergies or special needs you may have.
Accommodation is included in the food & lodging fee. There are two single occupancy rooms and four double occupancy rooms. Bathrooms are either attached to your room or shared in the hallway. Rooms are assigned on a first come first serve basis. All linens and towels are provided and made of organic materials.
For more information about the retreat center, visit:
Retreat Fee + Plus Food & Lodging:
The retreat fee and the food & lodging include: two nights (3 days) of accommodation, six Ayurvedic meals, a take home self-care kit, and all classes and guidance provided during the retreat. To register, please send an email to [email protected] stating that you'd like to attend. A non-refundable deposit of $150 can be sent to Revive Ayurveda (address below) to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due by August 1st for the early bird special, or by September 1st for the regular fee.
Please Mail Checks to:
Revive Ayurveda
RE: Women's Retreat
2716 X Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
*You can pay with a credit card upon request.
*Several scholarships are available, please send an email stating your needs.
The $150 deposit to secure your spot is non-refundable. The retreat fee is non-refundable after September 1st. If you need to cancel once you've registered, please let us know as soon as possible.
Retreat Fee + Plus Food & Lodging:
The retreat fee and the food & lodging include: two nights (3 days) of accommodation, six Ayurvedic meals, a take home self-care kit, and all classes and guidance provided during the retreat. To register, please send an email to [email protected] stating that you'd like to attend. A non-refundable deposit of $150 can be sent to Revive Ayurveda (address below) to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due by August 1st for the early bird special, or by September 1st for the regular fee.
Please Mail Checks to:
Revive Ayurveda
RE: Women's Retreat
2716 X Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
*You can pay with a credit card upon request.
*Several scholarships are available, please send an email stating your needs.
The $150 deposit to secure your spot is non-refundable. The retreat fee is non-refundable after September 1st. If you need to cancel once you've registered, please let us know as soon as possible.

Camina Gillotti is an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, body therapist, and yoga teacher. Her practice includes seeing clients one-on-one, teaching yoga classes, and leading day hikes and retreats. Her passion lies in discovering health from the inside out and supporting others on their journey back to their natural, vibrant, and radiant state of being. Her focus is on preventive healthcare through connection to nature using diet, lifestyle, and seasonal practices. Camina is part of the Center for Inner Health and Stillness in Santa Rosa, California and works remotely while assisting on a variety of yoga retreats. Camina loves facilitating experiences for women that cultivate awareness of the deep inner rhythms and wisdom within. For more information, visit: CaminaGillotti.com

Heather Anthony is a Clinical Ayurvedic and Pancha Karma Specialist, an Ayurvedic Body Therapist, and a Certified Yoga Teacher. Her private practice, Revive Ayurveda, located in Midtown Sacramento, CA, supports women with their health and well-being through customized herbal formulas, spiritual counseling, diet and lifestyle guidance, body therapies, and seasonal cleansing. Heather graduated from the California College of Ayurveda and has apprenticed under the guidance of Dr. Marc Halpern, Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, and Dr. Jeffrey Kauffman. She has additionally studied with world-renowned Dr. Vasant Lad and Dr. Sarita Shrestha. Heather uses vast clinical and personal experience combined with compassionate care to help empower women to heal naturally and to embrace their lives more fully. For more information, visit: ReviveAyurveda.com

Camina and Heather have been working together over the past five years and both share a passion for the ancient healing science of Ayurveda. They met going through school at the California College of Ayurveda and first worked together in the clinic there offering body work to residential patients. When they gave their first synchonized abhyanga massage, they both felt a strong resonance and knew they would be continuing to work together. Since then, they have administered several week-long at home pancha karma treatments and retreats and continue to serve their communities with Ayurvedic Body Work in Sacramento and the Sonoma County area. Camina and Heather's energies blend together to create a balanced offering of loving, compassionate touch and care to hold sacred space for women of all ages. They look forward to sharing their knowledge and creating a retreat that uplifts, nurtures, and continues to inspire a long life of health!
We recommend that you prepare yourself for the retreat by taking care of any work, or interpersonal communication before you arrive so that you can fully drop into the retreat setting. We recommend that you leave your cell phones and other technology devices in your car so you can be fully present with the experience, free of distractions. Of course, for emergencies we will have a phone number people can contact you at. In preparation for the retreat, you are welcome to join us on a 21-Day Ayurvedic Cleanse that will help you mind, body, and spirit prepare for the weekend journey. More details on the cleanse will be coming soon!
We will send you a more detailed list as the retreat approaches but here are a few items to keep in mind for your packing list:
We recommend that you prepare yourself for the retreat by taking care of any work, or interpersonal communication before you arrive so that you can fully drop into the retreat setting. We recommend that you leave your cell phones and other technology devices in your car so you can be fully present with the experience, free of distractions. Of course, for emergencies we will have a phone number people can contact you at. In preparation for the retreat, you are welcome to join us on a 21-Day Ayurvedic Cleanse that will help you mind, body, and spirit prepare for the weekend journey. More details on the cleanse will be coming soon!
We will send you a more detailed list as the retreat approaches but here are a few items to keep in mind for your packing list:
- Yoga mat
- Bottle for water
- Head lamp or flash light
- Comfortable clothes and shoes for yoga and walking
- Meditation cushion if you want to bring your own (we'll have some there)
- Toiletries
- Journal
- Book (we'll provide an Ayurvedic library so you can borrow books over the weekend)
"My experience at the Fall 2016 Women's Ayurvedic Retreat was magnificent. Both Heather and Camina, both truly gifted practitioners, created a space for me to relax, reflect and nurture myself in a way I wouldn't normally give myself. The variety of yoga, educational discussions, meditation, and glorious meals mixed with free time were well balanced and enriching. I left the weekend at peace and brought that back to my daily life with ease. I am looking forward to the next retreat and highly recommend it to anyone in need of a restorative weekend." ~Danielle Sprague. Woodland, Ca
"Not only was Camina and Heather's Ayurvedic retreat a total joy to attend, but it also left me with a general feeling of calm and ease for more than a week afterwards! Mindful awareness seemed to come naturally for me in this thoughtfully planned and beautifully situated retreat. The hands-on classes were loads of fun and included valuable tips and information that I could not wait to put to use in my routine at home. Most uplifting for me were the divine morning yoga sessions followed by the most delicious breakfasts I've ever enjoyed!"
~Lisa Norosky, Windor, Ca
"The Women’s Ayurvedic Retreat was a much needed respite from my hectic life to nourish and rekindle the need for silence through meditation, yoga and spiritual practices. We were nurtured with delicious vegetarian meals, time for walks in the beautiful hills, and time for personal reflection. Camina and Heather shared their knowledge and experience about the beneficial healing properties of Ayurvedic practices, which can be incorporated into our daily lives. The retreat was an inspiration, a reminder to honor what we have been given, to be kind and compassionate for ourselves and all life." ~Susan Eschler, Santa Rosa, Ca
"I recently had the opportunity to experience a retreat hosted by Heather & Camina. This weekend brought together many of the Ayurveda principals infused with yoga and informational classes while being cradled in Mother Natures beauty. I highly recommend attending a future retreat as you will be welcomed by two phenomenal ladies who provide a loving, safe and life changing experience."
~Terry Ritchey, Auburn, CA
Om Namah Shivaya ~ We Look Forward To You Joining Us!
"Not only was Camina and Heather's Ayurvedic retreat a total joy to attend, but it also left me with a general feeling of calm and ease for more than a week afterwards! Mindful awareness seemed to come naturally for me in this thoughtfully planned and beautifully situated retreat. The hands-on classes were loads of fun and included valuable tips and information that I could not wait to put to use in my routine at home. Most uplifting for me were the divine morning yoga sessions followed by the most delicious breakfasts I've ever enjoyed!"
~Lisa Norosky, Windor, Ca
"The Women’s Ayurvedic Retreat was a much needed respite from my hectic life to nourish and rekindle the need for silence through meditation, yoga and spiritual practices. We were nurtured with delicious vegetarian meals, time for walks in the beautiful hills, and time for personal reflection. Camina and Heather shared their knowledge and experience about the beneficial healing properties of Ayurvedic practices, which can be incorporated into our daily lives. The retreat was an inspiration, a reminder to honor what we have been given, to be kind and compassionate for ourselves and all life." ~Susan Eschler, Santa Rosa, Ca
"I recently had the opportunity to experience a retreat hosted by Heather & Camina. This weekend brought together many of the Ayurveda principals infused with yoga and informational classes while being cradled in Mother Natures beauty. I highly recommend attending a future retreat as you will be welcomed by two phenomenal ladies who provide a loving, safe and life changing experience."
~Terry Ritchey, Auburn, CA
Om Namah Shivaya ~ We Look Forward To You Joining Us!