Upcoming Events:
No upcoming events at this time.
Past Events:

Winter Yoga Nidra Series
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th 2024 // 10:30 am - 12:00pm
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
Email me to sign-up for each class or the full series. More info is on my blog.
January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th 2024 // 10:30 am - 12:00pm
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
Email me to sign-up for each class or the full series. More info is on my blog.

Virtual Fall 2021 Retreat
Yoga | Meditation | Ayurveda
October 16th, 2021 // 10:00-1:00pm
Yoga | Meditation | Ayurveda
October 16th, 2021 // 10:00-1:00pm

Virtual Spring Retreat
Movement Meditation | Ayurvedic Self-Care | Yoga Nidra
May 15th, 2021 // 10:00-12:30pm
Movement Meditation | Ayurvedic Self-Care | Yoga Nidra
May 15th, 2021 // 10:00-12:30pm

Fall Virtual Retreat
October 18th, 2020 / 10-12:30pm
Guided by Camina & Shirley Gillotti
Fall Virtual Retreat
October 18th, 2020 / 10-12:30pm
Guided by Camina & Shirley Gillotti

Half-Day Spring Retreat
April 19th, 2020 / 9-1m
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol
Register here: https://www.caminagillotti.com/store/p32/Half-Day_Spring_Retreat.html
Half-Day Spring Retreat
April 19th, 2020 / 9-1m
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol
Register here: https://www.caminagillotti.com/store/p32/Half-Day_Spring_Retreat.html

Half-Day Fall Retreat
October 5th, 2019 / 9-1m
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol
Check out more info on the retreat, here. Register by filling out this form. A payment of $70 can be made online, or by mailing a check to Camina Gillotti at 424 8th St. Suite A, Santa Rosa, Ca 95401.
October 5th, 2019 / 9-1m
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol
Check out more info on the retreat, here. Register by filling out this form. A payment of $70 can be made online, or by mailing a check to Camina Gillotti at 424 8th St. Suite A, Santa Rosa, Ca 95401.

Wellness Hikes
Hiking + Yoga + Ayurveda
Sonoma Country, Ca
May 12th @ Shell Beach / May 27th @ Armstrong Woods
9:30-1pm / $40 / Guided by Katrina Ius & Camina Gillotti
Hiking + Yoga + Ayurveda
Sonoma Country, Ca
May 12th @ Shell Beach / May 27th @ Armstrong Woods
9:30-1pm / $40 / Guided by Katrina Ius & Camina Gillotti

Daylong Retreat: Reawakening True Presence
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
April 7th, 2018 / 9:30am-5pm
Guided by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
Register: bit.ly/TruePresence2018
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
April 7th, 2018 / 9:30am-5pm
Guided by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
Register: bit.ly/TruePresence2018

Riverside Wellness Retreat for Women: Ayurveda & Kundalini Yoga in Big Sky Country
Double T River Ranch, Clyde Park, Montana
October 5-8th, 2017
Guided by Hari Simran Khalsa, Jessica Koteen, and Camina Gillotti
Double T River Ranch, Clyde Park, Montana
October 5-8th, 2017
Guided by Hari Simran Khalsa, Jessica Koteen, and Camina Gillotti

Daylong Retreat: A Nourishing Day of Silence
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
April 8th, 2017 / 9:30am-5pm / $150 (includes Ayurvedic Lunch)
Guided by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
For more information and to register: bit.ly/NourishingSilence
Open Sky Retreat Space, Sebastopol, CA
April 8th, 2017 / 9:30am-5pm / $150 (includes Ayurvedic Lunch)
Guided by Shirley & Camina Gillotti
For more information and to register: bit.ly/NourishingSilence

Ayurvedic Women's Retreat
Vacaville, California
October 21-23rd, 2016
For more information & to register:
Vacaville, California
October 21-23rd, 2016
For more information & to register:

Wellness Hikes
Hiking + Yoga + Ayurveda
Sonoma County, Ca
April 16th, April 30th, & May 22nd 2016
Hiking + Yoga + Ayurveda
Sonoma County, Ca
April 16th, April 30th, & May 22nd 2016

'Ayurveda for Everyday Life'
May 26th, 2016
Public Talk @ Many Rivers Bookstore, Sebastopol, Ca
May 26th, 2016
Public Talk @ Many Rivers Bookstore, Sebastopol, Ca

Spring Silent Day Retreat
A full day of mindful meditation, labyrinth walking, quiet nature time for contemplation,
restorative yoga, and Medical Qigong with Shirley Gillotti. Tea and nutritious snacks will be provided.
May 7th, 10am-5pm
Angela Center, Santa Rosa, Ca
A full day of mindful meditation, labyrinth walking, quiet nature time for contemplation,
restorative yoga, and Medical Qigong with Shirley Gillotti. Tea and nutritious snacks will be provided.
May 7th, 10am-5pm
Angela Center, Santa Rosa, Ca

Yoga Nidra Class Series
Santa Rosa, Ca
Wednesday's at 10am
12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12, 23
$50 for the series, $15 drop-in
RSVP: [email protected]
Santa Rosa, Ca
Wednesday's at 10am
12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12, 23
$50 for the series, $15 drop-in
RSVP: [email protected]

Autumn Silent Retreat
A full day of mindful meditation and Medical Qigong with Shirley Gillotti,
as well as walking meditation, quiet nature time for contemplation, yoga nidra,
and restorative yoga. Tea and nutritious snacks will be provided.
October 12th, 10am-5pm
Angela Center, Santa Rosa, Ca
A full day of mindful meditation and Medical Qigong with Shirley Gillotti,
as well as walking meditation, quiet nature time for contemplation, yoga nidra,
and restorative yoga. Tea and nutritious snacks will be provided.
October 12th, 10am-5pm
Angela Center, Santa Rosa, Ca

Radio Interview on 'Ayurvedic Practices for Summer'
July 2rd, 2015
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm
July 2rd, 2015
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm

Yoga Nidra Class for Teens
June 13th, 2015
Finely Community Center, Santa Rosa, Ca / www.consciousfamilyfestival.org
June 13th, 2015
Finely Community Center, Santa Rosa, Ca / www.consciousfamilyfestival.org

Monthly Public Yoga Class at The GAP (Santa Rosa)
March 22nd, April 12th, May 3rd, June 14th, 2015
March 22nd, April 12th, May 3rd, June 14th, 2015

Wellness Hike
May 16th, 2015
Point Magu State Park, California
Join Hari Simran Khalsa and I for a half day of hiking, yoga, and sharing of food and Ayurvedic wisdom. Email us at [email protected] ***Donation Based
May 16th, 2015
Point Magu State Park, California
Join Hari Simran Khalsa and I for a half day of hiking, yoga, and sharing of food and Ayurvedic wisdom. Email us at [email protected] ***Donation Based

Radio Interview on 'Ayurveda: Self-Care for Springtime'
April 23rd, 2015
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm
April 23rd, 2015
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm

Full Moon Ceremony
April 4th, 2015
dhyana Center, Sebastopol, Ca
*By-donation for members, or $10-15 sliding scale
April 4th, 2015
dhyana Center, Sebastopol, Ca
*By-donation for members, or $10-15 sliding scale

New Moon Ceremony
January 20th, 2015
dhyana Center, Sebastopol, Ca
*By-donation for members, or $10-15 sliding scale
January 20th, 2015
dhyana Center, Sebastopol, Ca
*By-donation for members, or $10-15 sliding scale

PUBLIC TALK: "Ayurvedic Practices For The Heart"
February 12th, 2015
Many Rivers Bookstore, Sebastopol, Ca
February 12th, 2015
Many Rivers Bookstore, Sebastopol, Ca

Wellness Hike: A Yoga and Ayurveda Adventure!
November 15th, 2014
9 - 1 pm
Topanga Canyon Fire Trail
Sign up at: [email protected]
November 15th, 2014
9 - 1 pm
Topanga Canyon Fire Trail
Sign up at: [email protected]

Fall Ayurvedic Workshop
October 18th, 2014 - RESCHEDULED
Vikki Ius' Studio
2860 Bowen St., Studio #28
Graton, Ca
October 18th, 2014 - RESCHEDULED
Vikki Ius' Studio
2860 Bowen St., Studio #28
Graton, Ca

Yoga Nidra 4-Week Series
September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
dhyana Center
Sebastopol, Ca
September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
dhyana Center
Sebastopol, Ca

'Take A Hike With Us!' Fall Equinox Celebration
Annadel State Park, Santa Rosa
September 21st, 2014
Annadel State Park, Santa Rosa
September 21st, 2014

Elemental Alchemy Workshop with Kristin Mico
July 20th, 2014
8-9:30am, 10-12pm & 5-7pm
Sandpoint, ID
July 20th, 2014
8-9:30am, 10-12pm & 5-7pm
Sandpoint, ID

Exchange Bank "Just Breathe" Wellness Program
June 24th & July 3rd, 2014
Yoga Nidra Classes
Exchange Bank Corporate Offices, Santa Rosa, Ca
June 24th & July 3rd, 2014
Yoga Nidra Classes
Exchange Bank Corporate Offices, Santa Rosa, Ca

Festival of Conscious Parenting
Booth for Center for Inner Health and Stillness
June 21st, 2014
Santa Rosa, Ca
Booth for Center for Inner Health and Stillness
June 21st, 2014
Santa Rosa, Ca

'Take A Hike With Us!' Day Retreat
June 14th, 2014 - Armstrong Woods, CA - 10-3pm / $40 / All ages
Enjoy a guided 3-mile hike and learn about the fundamentals
of Ayurveda out in nature. The hike will be followed by an
elemental yoga practice and full course Ayurvedic meal.
For more info and to sign up email: [email protected].

Public Talk - "Yoga Nidra: The Benefits of Deep Relaxation"
May 29th, 2014
Many River Books Store, Sebastopol, CA
May 29th, 2014
Many River Books Store, Sebastopol, CA

Restorative Yoga at Kaiser Permanente Hospital
May 15th - June 5th, 2014
Thursday's, 10-11:30am
May 15th - June 5th, 2014
Thursday's, 10-11:30am

'Take A Hike With Us!' Day Retreat
May 24th, 2014
Bodega Bay, CA
10-2pm / $40 / All ages
May 24th, 2014
Bodega Bay, CA
10-2pm / $40 / All ages

Radio Interview on "Ayurvedic Practices for Spring"
May 8th, 2014
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm
May 8th, 2014
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm

'Take A Hike With Us!' Day Retreat
March 15th, 2014
Annadel State Park, CA
10-2pm / $40 / All ages
March 15th, 2014
Annadel State Park, CA
10-2pm / $40 / All ages

Take A Hike With Us! Spring Events
March - June 2014
With Katrina Ius & Camina Gillotti
Sonoma County, Ca
March - June 2014
With Katrina Ius & Camina Gillotti
Sonoma County, Ca

Radio Interview on "Ayurvedic Basics"
February 27th, 2014
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm
February 27th, 2014
89.1 KBBF at 7:30-9pm

Ayurvedic Practices for Winter
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
January 31st, 2014
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
January 31st, 2014

Ayurvedic Practices for Fall
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
October 18th, 2013
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
October 18th, 2013

"AYUR-WHAT? An Introduction to Ayurveda"
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
July 19th, 2013
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
July 19th, 2013

"AYUR-WHAT? An Introduction to Ayurveda"
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
April 19th, 2013
The Center for Inner Health & Stillness, Santa Rosa
April 19th, 2013